Artist Statement

My art is inspired by sound, writing and language. Music, poems and succinct phrases or idioms bring back to my mind places and specific moments in my life. The relationship between auditory and visual expression is of nearly innate interest for me. I think that often I can better express the meaning of poem or song lines in a painting than I could ever do it with words.

Exploring this idea is the base line of my process. I start a painting intuitively. Sound is always around and within me and certainly has an impact on the choice of color and the tools I use. I have no intention to lead the painting towards a quick result. I merely am present, listen and observe what is happening, thus enjoying the doing. Materials and methods are the drivers in the process of finding a personal response to my inspirational sources.

Writing, calligraphy or asemic writing emerging in my work has been described as a go-between the painting and its inspirational source.

Acrylic paint, oil and pastel sticks, ink, graphite, color markers, collages, prints etc. are layered in a playful process which often leads to astonishing compositions. Sooner or later in the process the painting itself signals to which place, time, text … it refers. And often there is a sound coming into my mind – a songline, a poemline – reflecting the meaning to me of this unique art piece. 

In the past I used to work in direct relation with songs from classical rock or jazz legends. In recent times I have been strongly involved in poetry of Paul Celan and Rose Auslaender. But by any means I do not have the intention to construe the poems. I just want to convey my emotional relationship to one line in a poem or song.

And then there are these founds: by happy hazards in my life I stumble on ancient handwritten artifacts. I often feel an urgent need to integrate them into my paintings – thus amazement and awareness come together.


I was born and raised in a small town in the Black Forest and went at an early age for a decade to live and learn languages in England, France, Peru and Canada. I came back to live near the Black Forest capital, Freiburg im Breisgau. Studying and working in business administration as well as family care was then for a long time the main focus in my life.

But: Art, in some form or another, has always been part of my life. As far back as I can remember, I loved to scribble, draw and paint.

Art classes and workshops provided me with the basic knowledge in arts. I learnt various methods and the creation of abstract art by studying with the following artists:

  • Rainer Kaiser (printing methods) – D
  • Gabriele Musebrink (stone powder and pigments) – D
  • Robert Süess (Collage and mixed media) – CH
  • Nicholas Wilton (CVP 2021) – USA
  • Louise Fletcher (FYV 2022) – UK 

Artist Memberships:

  • Abstract Art Academy
  • Art2Life Academy
  • Art Tribe


Solo Shows

2024 „Die Sinnlichkeit von Rezepten“, Kurhaus Freiamt

2024 Rose Ausländer in Bild, Sprache, Poesie und Musik – Kulturzentrum 3Klang, Laufen/Sulzburg

2023 „Die Sterne des blinden Sommers“ – Rose Ausländer, Goethe-Institut Freiburg

2022   „Les étoiles de l’été aveugle“ – Rose Ausländer, Centre Diocésain, Besançon2021   29.9.-10.11. –  FWTM, Freiburg im Breisgau 2019    „Freigeblasene Leuchtsaat“, Arkana-Forum, Emmendingen
2018    Rathaus-Foyer Gundelfingen
2017    „Klang und Farbe“, Winzerhof Ebringen
2017    „Kunstsalon!“, Tuniberghaus, Freiburg-Tiengen
2016    „Sons et couleurs“, Val-Vignes, St. Hippolyte (F)
2013    „Schichten“, Hotel am Münster, Breisach
2012    Delcanto, Bürgerhaus Denzlingen
2011    „Soundtracks“, Kulturkathedrale, Fabrik Sonntag, Waldkirch

Group Shows

2019     “Blick in die Zukunft – Regards sur l’Avenir“, Meckelhalle Freiburg (D) / Salle Proudhon, Besançon (F)
2018     Caritas Tagungszentrum, Freiburg
2015     „Im Lauf der Zeit“ – Zeichenlabor, VHS Freiburg
2014     MJC Arbois / Besançon (F)
2013    „Über den Horizont“ – Künstlerkollektiv artstages, KEIDEL-Bad, Freiburg
2012    AK-Kunst Vauban, Freiburg
2011    „Alltägliches“ – Glashaus, Rieselfeld, Freiburg
2010    „Abstrakt“ – Druckerei Simon, Freiburg
2010    „Zeichen der Zeit“ – Abschlusspräsentation Kunstkolleg, VHS Freiburg